Ruomei's new liking for biology has been conditioned.
She was 'conditioned,' aka learned to love biology because of the guy she has a crush on. Previously, she wasn't interested in biology, but when she started liking this guy, she somehow connected her attraction to him to her growing love for biology. Thus, the guy was her stimulus to become conditioned to love biology.
hw # 4 is B because it say that women became the backbone of the American Manufacturing might, and help sustain the American budget because of the Taxes this people give. More people that has a job means bigger tax for the war effort. ... It changed America, world war II did, and its affects created the United States that we see today. in
Senatorial Courtesy
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that the term being described is called Senatorial Courtesy. This term refers to a unofficial U.S. custom describing the continuous occurrence of a senator towards supporting his/her colleagues in going against the appointment of a nominee to the district court or federal office of the president.