Spain Population of 47 million, Italy Population of 59 million,United Kingdom Population of 63 million, France population of 65 million, Germany population 81 million, Russia population of 144 million.
The Northern economy benefited from development in many of its industries, including textile and iron production. The war also stimulated the growth of railroads, improving transportation infrastructure.
education, power, property and prestige
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that four variables used to develop the six-class model were the following: education, power, property and prestige. The six-class model is a social class model that divides the population into the capitalist class, the upper middle class, the lower middle class, the working class, the working poor, and the underclass.
Answer:A )The Church was dependent on the princes' power.
In the 9th century, Christianity was introduced into the Kievan Rus. When Vladimir I became the Great Prince of Kiev in 980, Orthodox Christianity became the main religion of his country. Vladimir was forced to chose between three different religions: Islam, Christianity and Judaism. At that time, paganism was still popular, but the prince destroyed Slavic pagan gods statues. The church was dependent on the princes' power, as he himself created the Russian Orthodox Church.