Layers of cross-bedded sand can be indicative of a DESERT environment wind is responsible for the formation of these sedimentary structures. Sand dunes preserved in rocks can be quite large. These structures form as a result of the migration of dunes due to the action of the wind. Dunes are not often preserved but a few can be observed in thick sandstone units.
Characteristics that have helped humans survive major changes in the environment are their brains and body. Human's social cooperation with tool making always increases.
There is no carbon dioxide balance in biomass output or input. There is no dynamic equilibrium since carbon dioxide is being released at various rates. Geologically carbon dioxide concentration was very high for a long time and high enough to preclude evolving oxygen breathes until when carbon dioxide was locked up in plant life and oxygen levels raised by cyanobacteria and algae.
Oceans release carbon dioxide or it absorbs less carbon dioxide which causes a rise in temperature which feeds back. More heat is lost through evaporation which is lost to upper atmosphere then land biomass starts to pick up.
why is it called tissue respiration is a good question I guess
and why is tissue respiration important?
what happens during glycolysis?
Noctiluca is a dinoflagellate in the Domain Eukaryota, Superphylum Alveolata, Phylum Dinoflagellata, in the class Noctiluciphyceae, and in the order Noctilucales.