Any drug sold in the supermarkets, convenient stores etc without prescriptions are called OTC-medication or over the counter drugs.
They are the group of drugs commonly abused by young adults. Recommendation by National Institute on Drug Abuse is that , any use of drug not related to medical purpose, but for mind-altering effects or arousal is regarded as an abuse. No doubt these drugs are obtained over the counter because they are very easy to get, very cheap and legalized by law to buy, thus easily accessible.
They drugs are high in contents which produces psychoactive effects when imbibed in over dose, and some may have damaging effects on the kidney and liver.
Other effects on the body physiology includes headaches, vomiting, nausea, seizures, tremors. etc.
I believe that in developed nations, the nutrients that are most lacking in a child's diet are the; calcium, iron and zinc. Zinc is needed for the activity of more than 100 different enzymes in the body and plays a role in the immune function. It aids in the maintenance of healthy immune function in kids and may reduce the frequency of mild upper respiratory tract infections. Calcium keeps the bones healthy and teeth thus supporting the skeletal structure and function. Iron is an important component of hemoglobin.
The options
Have dilute urine."
Be unable to urinate."
Produce dark red urine."
Experience some burning on urination."
Experience some burning on urination."
Due to the trauma affecting the mucous membranes of the urinary tract, burning on urination is a more likely response, this sensation gets to reduce with time. This will stop the urine from further dilution once the frequent continuous bladder irrigation is stoped and removed. Although, the urine may show a slight pink tinge which results from the trauma after the surgery and the effect of the catheter that is noticed. A difficulty to urinate won't be felt except the indwelling catheter is removed earlier than it should expected and edema still occurs in the urethra. Production of dark red urine is an indicative factor for hemorrhage, which ought not to be seen.
The statements that
apply are;
Say to the patient, "Step aside and I will get you
connected to the internet."
Ask the patient, "How were you feeling when you were
having this difficulty?"
Encourage the patient to recognize signs of mounting tension
and seek assistance.
C. alcahol
aerobic respiration equation
glucose+ oxygen -> carbob dioxide gas + water + energy