Option D
Executive management, IT security policy enforcement monitoring, and human resources, all must have a unified front regarding the disciplinary treatment of policy violations.
Provoked by the probability of forbearance, several organizations are hurrying to execute compliance-based ethics plans. Composed by a corporate barrister, these plans aim to anticipate, recognize, and fix constitutional violations. Such plans serve to highlight the repression of illegal behavior, essentially by building inspection and authority and by inflicting fines for sinners.
Administrators must consistently execute measures through relevant disciplinary actions; react competently when the offensive is identified; and, eventually, take sensible actions to stop the phenomenon of comparable sins in the eventuality.
"Awareness space" indicates that ROBBERY is rational.
Robbery is a rational crime because the robbers have to think the whole crime through. They need to know the weakness and strengths of the place they're robbing as well as its surroundings. This is to ensure that when they do commit the crime, they will be able to accomplish their goal and not get caught.
Answer: naturalistic observation
Explanation: Naturalistic observation is a technique used in the study of subjects in their natural habitat without any manipulation or interference from the observer. The aim of naturalistic observation is to describe in detail the behaviour of an organism in their natural setting, situation or habitat.
Conducting a naturalistic observation offers some advantages which include:
I) allowing investigation of behaviours that occur in complex social settings.
II) allowing the researcher to gather qualitative as well as quantitative data and
III) allowing the development of theories based on collected observations etc.
However, it is less useful in studying well-defined hypotheses under precisely specified conditions since they are typically designed not to confirm previously formed hypotheses.
In the terminology of classical conditioning, the smell of tequila is now a conditioned stimulus.
The day that Erin drank too much, the tequila was an unconditioned stimulus, producing a natural and unconditioned response, the vomit. Now the tequila has been paired with its smell, and the pure smell became the conditioned response, producing the same reaction as the tequila.