The Pilgrims and Puritans came to America to practice religious freedom. ... The Pilgrims had a long and difficult journey across the Atlantic Ocean. A storm blew them off course so instead of landing in Virginia, they landed further north in Cape Cod. The Pilgrims decided to settle in this area and called it Plymouth.
The weather was much colder than what the Pilgrims had prepared for and the first winter was devastating. The Pilgrims struggled to build homes, and many families crowded into the few homes that were built. Food was scarce, and many Pilgrims starved to death that first winter.
Some people died. Some people were seasick. Other people became sick because there was not good food to eat. Because the journey took longer than they thought it would, the passengers and the sailors ran out of good food.
The five facts about the Great Society and its programs and many more are discussed below in deep details.
1. The Great Society's five facts are Johnson's more perfect view of society, Intended to benefits minority and urban poor, rebuild decaying inner cities, eliminate hunger and diseases, and extended the power of the federal government.
2. Great Society was a collection of national policy initiatives intended to eradicate poverty and racial inequality in the United States, decrease crime, and enhance the environment. It was started by President Lyndon B. Johnson.
3. Great Society designed to help poor people who were below the poverty line and facing racial injustice in the United States.
4. The Great Society programs are that many of them are still in effect today. such as Medicare, Medicaid, the Older Americans Act, and federal education funding, are still in place today.
5. They addressed spending in education, medical care, urban problems, rural poverty, and transportation.
Answer: The tariff helped to increase Nationalism and helped the economy because it protected American goods of foreign competition and the US could buy cheaper products.
It was due to the weaknesses of the Weimar Government.
During the war, it was the rebels