The GI Bill<span> provides educational assistance to servicemembers, veterans, and their dependents. So, it is the only answer that makes sense out of the four of them.</span>
Mauryan Empire
united Indian for the first time
ruled by Ashoka
used army to conquer territory
lasted only about 100 years
Gupta Empire
called India's "Golden Age"
used the modern numbering system
made great cultural advancements
lasted from 320-600 CE
expanded trade with Europe, China
Transportation now completely motorized and mostly fueled by crude oil has made traveling long distances faster, it is easier to visit relatives and stay in touch with friends even if you don't live near each other. The production of oil is done by large companies and often share holders are in politics. It has helped some in political gain by certain oil companies making large donations in a presidential candidate. It is now a political issue the continued use of an unrenewable resource has and continues to cause pollution, completely been the sole reason of some ecosystems end. Second, the phone now mostly we all have mobile phones that we can carry with us every where we go. Socially this new technology keeps us closer to our family and friends by being available for conversation, questions, etc at any moment. Before you would call there number and hope you caught them at home not busy with dinner or laundry etc. Economically the mobile phone has made having a phone readily available for everyone regardless of your spending limit there's a phone out there for you and it although put some of the traditional phone companies out of business it opened up a world full of possibilities to new companies. Politically the mobile phone has been a viable source of accurate news, and trade information. Social Media has socially allowed us to connect with people we know and people around the globe with opinions on topics we personally find intriguing. It has made even the socially awkward into social butterflies as you can read posts, comment, or post your own opinion and millions can view it. It along with text messaging definitely has caused loss of jobs in the post office. Before you would write a letter, buy a stamp and send it then the receiver would get your letter within 5 or so days and the have to write you a letter buy postage and send it to you. Now there's no postage no person to person delivery system you can just press send and your text message or social media message is received instantly. This has economically brought phone companies both old and new to the forefront of our economy. Politically it has both helped and hindered some presidential candidates because even the president uses Twitter now I could continue but maybe that will help get your ideas flowing. Basically they want you to debate modern technology both pros and cons and you are definately smart enough to do that.