One way advances in science and geography changed the world in the 1100's (time period also known as the Renaissance of the 12th Century) was through advances such as the wind mill, paper making, and the magnetic compass. Maps were able to be created using the magnetic compass and paper. This sea and land navigation and map making aided in European expansion and exploration.
This refers to the Enclosure movement which was prominent in
Britain from the 18th century to the 19th century. Enclosure
means to divide or consolidate the communal lands and small holding into what
we now see as one big farm which was owned by an individual. This meant that the
villagers could no longer, as they could before that, use that land to raise
livestock among other things.
Preservation. Historic preservation involves protecting and conserving the history of the building as its been used throughout the years. ...
Restoration. ...
Rehabilitation. ...
Adaptive Reuse. ...
Mothball. ...
Answer: Construct Validity
Construct Validity is a measure of how well a test is structured to examine the fact or event we actually want to measure. Put simply, do the variables we are trying to measure and labels we assign them reflect the idea that we intend?
In this question, the threat to construct validity is that black/white does not refer to race but social status due to the culture where the terms are used. The labels used here will translate into a test that measures a completely different idea, and will also generate different results from what is intended.
The main reason why Mussolini believed that a fascist government would help him achieve his goals was that he thought he would be able tot have more control and gain more political and military power by having and leading a more fascist government together with the ability of controlling the media.