In order to find the NET nuclear charge from an atom's valence electron to the proton nucleus, you need to do some simple math in order to find the charge.
You would also need to apply math when you need to figure out what the charge on an ion is by either adding or taking away electrons depending on whether it is an anion or cation.
Ions are formed when an atom looses or gains electrons.
-Ionic charges are created when there is an imbalance of protons and electrons on an atom. Since we can not change the number of protons on the nucleus of an atom, a positively charged ion will be created when there are fewer electrons than protons (in other words when an atom looses electron). A negatively charged ion is formed or created when there are more electrons than protons in an atom (when an atom gains electrons).
-When electron are added, you are adding more negative charge and thus, results in the creation of a negative ion (anion), and when electrons are being lost by an atom, one is removing negative charge, resulting in creation of a positive ion (cation).
<span>Activity series of metals. it is a series of metals based on their reactivity from highest to lowest. Potassium occupies the top most level of reactivity. The reactivity means the ability to displace hydrogen gas from water and acid solutions.</span>
breaking a pencil does not alter the chemical properties of the pencil, it merely breaks it into 2 while the rusting of iron is changing the properties chemically because the iron is oxidizing and reacting with the water and oxygen in the atmosphere