La Biología Viene Siendo Una Ciencia Que Estudia El Origen De La Vida Si Evolucion Sus Propiedades Y Sud Cuidados También Describe las Características Y Comportamiento De Las Especies De Todo El Mundo
El turismo Biologico :Es Una Propuesta para El Viajero Interesado por Conocer Los Componentes Naturales De Algún Lugar Como La Fauna Y La Flora
When the ph freshwater becomes highly alkaline, it causes fish to die and damage to outer surface like grills, eyes and skin
Hi there!
I think bread turns moldy less quickly when it is kept in a refrigerator than when it is kept at room temperature because bacteria eats foods like bread and causes mold, and less bacteria grow in colder temperatures. Since less types of bacteria thrive in colder temperatures, it takes longer for less bacteria to create mold.
Hope this helps!
Henry Faulds and Galton are cousins which both helped each other like Faulds wrote a book about fingerprints which helped Galton out a lot.
Faulds was also the Father of Fingerprinting.
hope i helped ~Zuzu :)
Glycogen phosphorylase catalyzes the conversion of glycogen to glucose-1-phosphate.
Glycogen phosphorylase catalyzes glucose-1-phosphate release by phosphorolysis from the terminal residue of a non-reducing end of a glycogen branch. A molecule of inorganic phosphate attacks the C1 side of a α(14) glycosidic bond, leaving in the glycogen polymer a hydroxyl group on C4.