First, notice that the series you wrote is ∑ (-3)(n) for n ∈ [0,5]
There is a general formula for the sum of a basic geometric series that you should know or learn.
Here's a hint: How can you simplify the product of (1-x) and a summation, for n∈ [0,N], of all the n'th powers of x ((1-x)·∑ xn for n∈ [0,N])?
You can see you have to perform a distributive multiplication here, and if you write out the first three or four terms, and the last three or four terms, you should see a lot of cancellation going on. Pay special attention to what happens at n=0, n=N.
Notice how all the values in between end up cancelling?
You can use your result to find an appropriate formula. In your case, x is 3. N is 5.
If your answer is correct, your formula will work for summing up any number of terms of any geometric series (any value of x and any value N). It is easy to compare your answer using your formula to the answer found manually by actually adding up all the terms.
You are not giving much information so the assumption is the base is 2 = meters and the height is 3 meters.<span> Find total area of a regular pyramid with base of 2 and altitude of 3 </span> Surface Area = 16.64911 m²