Earth is always rotating around the sun that means if it were winter on one side of the world, (that is not on the side of the sun) the other side of the world would be summer, ( the side that the sun is shining on)
Cuando los niveles de testosterona están bajos, la hormona liberadora de gonadotrofina (GnRH) es liberada por el hipotálamo que a su vez estimula la glándula pituitaria para liberar LH. Esta última hormona estimula los testículos para sintetizar la testosterona.
Normal sex cells will have 23 chromosomes
The difference in altitude between these two regions.
As you can see in the question above, Lüderitz and Santos are two regions that are the same distance from the equator, which indicates that the two regions have the same latitude and are in tropical zones. In addition, the two regions are close to the ocean, but the air in Lüderitz is cooler.
This indicates that there is a difference in altitude in these regions and Lüderitz has a higher altitude than Santos, which is why Lüderitz's air is colder and Santos's is hotter.
Altitude is a geographic term that represents the distance of a region in relation to the level of the sea. The higher the altitude, the greater the distance.
The higher the altitude of a region, the colder its air will be. This is because in high altitude regions, air is thin and has a small capacity to retain heat.
Correct answer: B) They produce most of the food that the ecosystem relies on
Decomposers are the organisms that break down the dead and decayed plants and animals. They also help in the breakdown of waste of other organism.
They are found to be very important for the ecosystem, if they were not present in the ecosystem them plant would not be able to get essential nutrients which are necessary for their growth. Because it the decomposers who help in the recycling of carbon and the nitrogen cycle.
Decomposers break down the dead and decayed material into simpler organic matter into carbon dioxide and nutrients.
Example: bacteria, fungi