AnswerThese are the enterocoelomates.Starfish, sea urchins are examples.Generally animals of the phyla annelida, molluscs and anthropoda belong to this group.
They are animals formed by enterocoely; in which the mesoderm arises from the wall of the embryonic gut archentron. The latter is an hollow outgrowth which forms the coelom.It is the type of coelom found in deuterostome animals.
C. A steep slope
Erosion is the removal of the top layer of the earth or the gathering of lose weathered materials from rock surfaces.
Agents of erosion are wind, water, glacier and gravity.
Along a very steep slope, erosion is highly rife and very prevalent to the extent that everything there is washed away to be deposited at the bottom of the slope or where gradient is more gentle.
On a steep slope, materials moves rapidly and gravity is very great. When these factors are coupled with the prevailing conditions in a place, little to no deposition occurs for soil formation.
Sporophyte embryo.
Seed coat are one of the three parts of the seed of plants. The endosperm, embryo and seed coat. The number one function of seed coat is for protection against the environment. A seed need protection from water, heat,. This can all affect the chance of being a mature animal. This can also provide insuation during sub freezing temperatures. It also protects the endosperm which is the primary source of food of the developing embryo.