A good education makes an individual develop personally, socially as well as economically. Education helps us to do our daily life activities in the best possible ways. Education makes us dutiful. Education helps us to acquire new skills and knowledge that will impact our development in life.
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4. people make the place
In organizational culture theory, the "people make the place" theory states that the people who are part of the organization, and the way they behave and conduct, define how this organization is perceived by the members of said organization, thus affecting how the members and the organization itself behave. According to this view, this self-perception of an organization is what develops the shared organization values that have a powerful effect on work attitudes and behaviors among the members of the organization. In short, "people make the place" means that the way members of an organization behave further influences how other members behave, in a continous feedback cycle.
Generalization is when you are talking about something specific. For example “ In general, pears are better than oranges”. Specialization is referring to a unique quality someone or something has for example “ I specialize in plastic surgery”.
3 Sep 2013 ... innovación tecnológica, de ahí que el cambio ha sido adoptado por millones de usuarios, muchos de ellos docentes así como estudiantes