The correct option is: Global workspace model of consciousness
The Global workspace theory is a theory that suggests that the conscious and unconscious processes are present in matching pairs.
The model of Global workspace theory is a model of consciousness that suggests <u>that the consciousness is globally available to various cognitive processes of the brain</u> such as action selection, decision making, evaluation, memory, attention and verbal report.
Thus, consciousness is not associated with any particular area of the brain.
<u>Therefore, Pierre believes in the </u><u>Global workspace model of consciousness.</u>
<h2>B. They assume the pattern of the past will continue into the future</h2>
Quantitative Forecasting Method is a statistical method used to make prediction about the future by using data and previous effects to predict about the future events.
These methods are based on mathematical models and are mostly objective. They depend on the mathematical calculations. Delphi method, Sales force polling and Consumer surveys are some of the methods used in Quantitative forecasting.
In all the techniques experts study the past patterns and try to predict the future on its basis, the previous pattern may or may not repeat itself.
Answer:3. To make honest, ethical presentations of data.
Explanation: The primary responsibility of scientists in the process of making environmental law is to ensure that they make honest,ethical presentation of data.
Making available the real and honest situations on the environment available is enough to make the Law makers make adequate laws necessary for it's protection. Persuasion and other points highlighted are not better options,the best solution is to make available the honest data and ethical situation.