B, founded the Niagara Movement
Cuando Cristóbal Colón tocó tierra tras su travesía del Atlántico, en 1492, no imaginaba todavía que cambiaría el curso de la historia para siempre.
Tampoco pensaría que de allí a pocos años desencadenaría una lucha entre las dos mayores potencias económicas y militares de la época, España y Portugal, por hacerse con las riquezas de ese territorio aún desconocido para los europeos.
Dos años después, los Reyes Católicos, Isabel y Fernando, y el de Portugal, Juan II, llegaron a un compromiso y firmaron en Tordesillas (entonces Reino de Castilla) un pacto para repartirse las tierras "descubiertas y por descubrir" fuera de Europa.
In 1935 Hitler had 2 laws passed that accomplished the following.
- Jews were deprived of their German citizenship and
- German purity (blood) was protected by forbidding Jews from Marrying German Citizens. Any sexual relations between the races was also prohibited.
- These two laws were the Nuremberg Laws.
The Holocaust was the attempt by Hitler and the German Nazi Party to murder every Jew (in the world if they got that far) but certainly in Europe. They diminished the Jewish population in Europe by 1/2 killing 6 million of them -- a number I find incomprehensible and an act even more incomprehensible.
I urge you to search out the word Holocaust. The German Holocaust was not the only one. There were quite a few even after world war II. You would think that the one in Europe would have been enough. It certainly wasn't.
IDK if i am right but i would say the puritans as they wanted to get rid of the catholic rituals because they wanted to be pure. hope i helped tho