Suppose that a new medical specialty has emerged: gerontogastroenteroepidemiology. Based upon your knowledge of roots, select th
e definition that best defines this new specialty. a. Study of epidemics that strike the aged
b. Study of the epidermis in the stomach and intestines of the aged
c. Study of stomach and intestinal epidemics that strike the aged
d. Study of stomach and intestinal disorders that strike the aged
The correct answer is letter C. G<span>erontogastroenteroepidemiology would probably deal with the study of stomach and intestinal epidemics that strike the aged.
"Geronto" - age "Gastroentero" - stomach and intestines "Epidemio" - epidemic "logy" - study of</span>
Stimulants and depressants are complete opposites. Stimulants increase function and increase energy and alertness while depressants slow you down to produce tranquilizing side effects. When a person takes both, the body tries to do both at the same time.
Effleurage is basically a form of massage involving a circular stroke movement made with the palm of the hand. Effleurage can be firm or light without dragging the skin, and is performed using either the padded parts of the finger tips or the palmar surface of the hands.