A is the answer: Mobile marketing, Social media marketing and direct mail marketing
Option A is most likely correct because it is an intersection of both direct and digital marketing.
Option B is not the answer as direct response television marketing is listed
Option C is not the answer because online marketing and social media marketing belong to digital marketing while telemarketing belong the direct marketing
Option D is also not the answer as it just list the general category of marketing tools
Option E look like a good option but among the listed forms Social media marketing belong to digital marketing while telemarketing and kiosk marketing belong to digital marketing.
A) Marian Shelby. “The Fall of Rome.” Military Forces. n.p., 11 Mar 2009. Web.
14 Oct 2012.
Answered below
Class BaseballPlayer{
//Instance variables
string name;
int hits;
int bats;
BaseballPlayer (string a, int b, int c){
name = a;
hits = b;
bats = c
public void printBattingDetails( ){
System.out.print(name, hits, bats)
//Demo class
Class BaseballTester{
public static void main (String args []){
BaseballPlayer player = new BaseballPlayer("Joe", 8, 4)
player.printBattingDetails( )