Getting the simplest form of a fraction is the same with getting its lowest term. Reducing fractions to its lowest term is a very simple thing to do. Here's how to simplify fractions:
There are two ways in simplifying fractions. The first method is to equally divide both numerator and denominator which results to only whole numbers. Getting the GCF (Greatest Common Factor) or GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) is the second method.
As to the fraction above, 39/250, the second method is applicable.
Let us get the GCF of 39 and 250
39= 1,3,13,39
250= 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 125, 250
Therefore, the GCF of 39 and 250 is 1. We can conclude then that 39/250 is already on its simplest form thus;
<u>39</u> ÷ <u>1</u> is equal to <u>39</u>
250 1 250
I'm unsure of the answer but here's how to solve it yourself :)
Step-by-step explanation:
area of a prism is obtained by taking the sum of (twice the base area) and (the lateral surface area of the prism). The surface area of a prism is given as S = (2 × Base Area) + (Base perimeter × height) where "S" is the surface area of the prism.
Angle B corresponds to ANGLE E.
You can simply tell by looking at the letters that are arranged.
ΔA<u>B</u>C = ΔD<u>E</u>F
Hope this helps
Step-by-step explanation:
<u>Given equation:</u>
<u>The cost of 3.5 lb of sour belts:</u>