what is reproduction kcu-uzyp-wdj g I r ls c o me pls
4.2 million
This is such a weird question lol
Answer: Vygotsky referred to this as SELF TALK.
Explanation: Self talk is referred to as simply talking to oneself whether silently or aloud. This is an internal dialogue that is influenced by the subconscious mind, and it reveals thoughts, beliefs, questions, and ideas. It can be both negative and positive, encouraging, distressing etc.
Vygotsky explains that private speech stems from a child's social interactions as a toddler, then reaches a peak during preschool or kindergarten when children talk aloud to themselves.
The correct answer is A) payables.
Tammy is talented at the craft but lacks the cash flow management skills required to run a business. She opens a store, Tammy's Craft Corner, with the help of her son David - a business major - who manages the budgets and expenses of the business. David prepares the quarterly budget and maintains a company book for recording all transactions. The company book balance that David regularly updates is the sum of payables.
The book balance describes the amount of money available that can be used to pay other businesses or purchase anything needed after the adjustment after deposits in transit or checks that are not been cleared. The payables are the business obligation to pay-off a debt to its suppliers or creditors.
The other options of the question are B) chargebacks, C) deposits, and D) receivables.
I believe the answer is: hidden
Johari window is a psychological tool that help people understand their relationships with other people around them. Hidden area in johari window refers to the area that individual keep as a secret from other people around us, until we manage to found a certain someone that we can fully trust.