Report it to the BACB within 30 days
In this case you need to report it to the BACB within 30 days of having gotten the speeding ticket. The Behavior Analyst Certification Board focuses on meeting professional credentialing needs identified by behavior analysts, governments, and consumers of behavior analysis services. They require that any infractions or involvement with the law by a graduate needs to be reported to them as quickly as possible and within the 30 day limit set by them.
Answer: You have the advantage to fold laundry and cook a meal faster than your roommate because you can fold in 2 hours and prepare a meal in 1 hour, which is 3 hours in total. However, your roommate can fold laundry in 3 hours and cook a meal in 1 hour which is 4 hours in total. So you have an advantage because you take 1 hour less than your roommate.
The correct answer would be, Geographic Segmentation.
As a result, the company's plants in Texas and California produce hotter nacho cheese sauce than is produced in its other plants. This is Geographic Segmentation.
When markets or consumers are divided into groups or segments on the basis of some shared characteristics, then this is called as the Market Segmentation.
When market is divided on the basis of geographic regions, it is called the geographic segmentation. This Geographic Segmentation can be done on the basis of areas, cities, countries, etc.
So when the soup company divides the production for East and for West and Southwest, it means the company has segmented their market geographically.
Learn more about Geographic Segmentation at:
Competent person.
As the exercise says, a competent person is one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings, as well as unsanitary or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.