A lack of resources is the answer
Answer: Surrogate mother
Surrogate mother is a woman who becomes pregnant by artificial insemination of a fertilized egg.
1. Animals have always been used for experiments that are considered dangerous for humans, e.g lab rats.
This is necessary as some procedures are considered too dangerous for a human to undergo, and therefore, an animal is used to test the process.
2. Animals cannot talk, therefore, have no rights.
Animals, though living, do not have and enjoy the same rights that humans do according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This makes it possible to subject them to experiments because no rights are being infringed upon.
1. It is unethical and inhumane to use animals for experiments
Animals have feelings and as such should not be used for unsafe experiments. The practise is inhuman and unethical as it is done without the consent of the animal.
2. Animals are living things and so they have rights.
Animals are living and such should be considered to have rights just as humans do and it would be wrong for any scientist to get any animal of his choice to perform experiments.
An extended family is a family that consists of a mother, a father, children's, aunty's and uncles, grandparents e.t.c