Nothing will be printed
You can easily find out that FL is not a member of the Dictionary. And we are checking these in the if. Since the if condition ends up being false, the further process will not run as they will only if the condition ends up being true. Hence, nothing will be printed.
Remember, del is used to delete a dictionary item. If this would have been a true condition for if then the FL item in the dictionary would have been deleted as it, in that case, would have been present there. And then the next line would have again added the FL item, and print would have printed the dictionary items with FL item as well. However, since if the condition is ending up being false, nothing will be printed.
If cities['FL'] and print is outside if then
the output will be
{'FL': 'Tallahassee', 'GA': 'Atlanta', 'NY': 'Albany', 'CA': 'San Diego'}
The answer is (C) IT careers are found in a wide variety of industries.
Nowadays, all types of industries in various different parts of the world will have an IT (information technology) department because it is needed, since most businesses operate using some form of IT equipment, which, most commonly found is a computer. It is a particularly lucrative field because of the wide array of job availability.
Retro recently discovered that several key files of your antivirus program have been deleted.
<h3>What is antivirus example?</h3>
New versions of Microsoft Windows even include Windows Defender, which with the latest versions of Windows can defend against computer viruses. Other well-known antivirus programs include Norton antivirus and McAfee, and popular free antivirus programs include Avast and AVG.
<h3>Which antivirus is best for laptop?</h3>
McAfee Antivirus Plus is our top choice for multiple devices because its subscriptions offer protection for every device in the home for a reasonable cost.
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