Decimals are based on the preceding powers of 10. Thus, as we move from left to right, the place value of digits gets divided by 10, meaning the decimal place value determines the tenths, hundredths and thousandths. A tenth means one tenth or 1/10. In decimal form, it is 0.1.
We use ideas and thoughts that have already been protected by the law which is called Copyright. We reworking copyright material means we are taking somebody's ideas and calling it ours. Which is not right by the law.
Information technology can be used to promote opportunities for knowledge dissemination.
It can help the teachers and students have up-to-date information and knowledge. The accurate and right information is necessary for effective teaching and learning; and information technology
various cultures of the world.
You need to understand the cultures of the world, to work in a multinational company. Undoubtedly, you need to understand that the employees working in multinational companies are from various cultures, and they think differently as well. You need to understand them, and only then you can make them your friend and finally work together with full cooperation to ensure the best work. And for your success as well as the success of the company this is important.
f/11 is the answer I think