The sole reason why red blood cells are unable to replace damaged proteins is that red blood cells lack DNA and cell organelles such as nucleus, ribosomes and mitochondria which are crucial for protein synthesis, assembly and repair. In other words they lack both the information and the machinery for making or repair of proteins.
Due to lack of DNA and cell organelles, red blood cells cannot be able satisfy the central dogma which summarizes synthesis of proteins as DNA → RNA → proteins.
DNA has the genetic information on how proteins should be made, RNA is responsible for transferring the information from DNA in the cell nucleus to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm, then translating or decoding this information, which results in the making of protein.
The miThe migration of birds.
treatment, treatment, control
Indep. Var.
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Protons are equal to atomic number. Meaning the answer would be 64.
If the web happened to look like this one I attached then the anwser would be shrubs. If you take a look at the arrows the shrubs energy is moving to rats, insects and lizards which in turn feeds the coyotes. The starting point is shrubs and in general most food webs start with plants.