C. BAT can detect sound at a frequency of 67,000 Hz. Its frequency range is 2,000 - 110,000 Hz67 - 45,000 Hz.
An elephant's frequency range is 16-12,000 Hz.
A tree frog's frequency range is 50 - 4,000 Hz
A dog's frequency range is 67 - 45,000.
Bats have very sensitive hearing to cope with their nocturnal activities. Since the feed at night time, they have difficulty in seeing their prey.
Bats navigate and locate their prey using echolocation. Echolocation is a method where bats produce a very loud sound and assess the sound's echo. The echo has two types of frequency. Constant frequency, used to detect object, and Frequency modulated, used to assess the distance of the object. Bats then know the presence of its prey as well as its location.
These organisms that consisted only of unicellular were called prokaryotes.
There are many reasons why manned space probes to Saturn are simply unachievable. Getting to space is incredibly hard. The force of gravity is very hard to escape. If you wanted to, you would have to invest trillions upon trillions of dollars to create a space shuttle that may or may not explode. Second, we simply don’t have the technology to make it that far with a manned probe. Saturn is more than a billion miles away. It would take more than several years to go that far. To keep astronauts alive, entertained, and sustained is also a big challenge. In conclusion these are some reasons why a manned space probe to Saturn is unachieveable.
U’d better give me that brainly.
The sun is 1AU away from Earth, meaning that it is 92,955,807 miles away from Earth. Even if you travelled your whole life, the chances of you reaching the sun are astronomically low