Redlining stems from discrimination that consists denial of services, maybe financial based on the group one may fall under such as race, ethnicity or location. The Holden act(1977) is a real estate act of California meant to protect individuals from discriminations such as ones that involve denial of mortgage loan on the basis of something other than the credit worthiness of the individual . These discriminations could take the form of mortgage loan and, insurance loan denials or other financial services based on creditworthiness history of the group the person may fall under and not necessarily the individual's qualifications on his own
Answer: Option (d) is correct.
Correct option: Market price is greater than marginal cost.
In a perfectly competitive market, there are large number of buyers and sellers. So, price is determined by the market forces.
At a point of profit maximization, price is equal to the marginal cost and we have to maximize the difference of the total revenue and total cost. It was not seen in a perfectly competitive market that the price is above the marginal cost at a profit maximizing point.
Therefore, option (d) is not true.
The correct option is: For each unit of the good that is sold, buyers bear <u>one-half of the tax burden and sellers bear one-half of the tax burden.</u>
Incidence of tax is a term referred in economics which deals with division of taxes. Tax incidence refers to division of tax among the buyer and seller for a product. The tax incidence is related to the price elasticity of supply and demand.
When a product is sold, the buyer of the product is charged with one-half of the tax burden and the seller of the product bears the other-half of the tax burden.
The incidence of tax can be observed in two ways:
i) Formal incidence
ii) Effective incidence
Authorized the president to sell, transfer, lend, lease, or otherwise dispose of other equipment and supplies to any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the United States.
Lend-Lease Act
This bill was said to come into existence on 11th of March, 1941. The Congress passed the Lend-Lease Act. The legislation gave the President at that time, President Franklin D. Roosevelt the right, powers to sell, transfer, exchange, lend equipment to any country to help it defend itself against the other powers.
It was said that with the Lend-Lease bill stated that country of any kind whose defense the President thinks is very important to the defense of the United States will be given or can be able to receive military equipment, supplies, and other necessary materials even if that country is unable to generate funds to pay for those items.