Genetically modified foods are resistant to insents and plant viruses - TRUE
Genetically modified foods are yet available to consumers at the grocery store -false
genetically modified foods have delayed fruit ripening for shell life during transportation -TRUE
Genetically modified foods have enhanced flavor and nutritional content -True
The answer is right below.
The bulk of this species’ diet consists of fish in the teleost infraclass, including dragonfish, rattails, anglerfish, and more. They are also known to feed on crustaceans and cephalopods like squid.
These sharks will prey on fish found both on the sea floor and in the water column. Because they are so slow moving, scientists believe these sharks are ambush predators. Their pinkish-red skin actually blends in when in the deep sea.
water molecules undergo the 'tug of war' via the cohesion-adhesion theory
In plants specifically, a transpiration stream is formed via osmosis from roots into xylem and travels by the apoplast pathway to the leaves, where the water then evaporates from stomata into the surrounding air along the diffusion gradient. the water loss from the mesophyll cells lowers their water potential therefore water moves in via osmosis by both apoplast and symplast pathway from adjacent cells. water bonded to water= cohesion, water bonded to carbohydrates of xylem walls= adhesion. water is drawn up in tug of war-esc fashion against gravity to replace water evaporated, resulting in cohesion-adhesion theory.
For the answer to the question above, it is t<span>he </span>cerebellum, it<span> plays an important role in balance, motor control, but is also involved in some cognitive functions such as attention, language, emotional functions (such as regulating fear and pleasure responses) and in the processing of procedural memories.
I hope my answer helped you.</span>