"Improved relationship stability and better ability to handle stress or depression" is the one among the following choices given in the question that can be used to motivate <span>him to make the effort to quit. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the second option or option "B". I hope that this is the answer that has helped you.</span>
getting cheated on by my girlfriend twice
Cervical - this usually pertains to the individual's neck or to the female's cervix.
Thoracic - The thoracic is located on an individual's chest area in which the ribs connects to in order to protect the human's organs.
Lumbar - The lumbar area is located in the lower area of an individual's back
Claims that result from injuries while the insured was intoxicated or under the influence of drugs are generally excluded.
The intake of sedative or abusive drugs, or being intoxicated by taking high dose of drug are not covered by health insurance policy. There is a grey area while investigating the health insurance claim for drug overdose. It is to be sought that the intake of abusive drug or taking high amounts of prescription drugs causing intoxication are taken accidentally, someone administered them or they are taken for suicidal purposes.