Fraction is a part of a whole, for example 1/2. Equivalent fractions are fractions that look different but show the same amount. Improper fractions have numerators that are higher than the denominator, while mixed fractions contain whole numbers and fractions.
In order to compare fractions, you need to change them so they have the same denominator. Fractions can be converted into decimals. You need to be able to work out a fraction of a given quantity.
Fractions of a quantity
How do we find 3/5 of 20?
Method 1 is to find 1/5 of 20, then multiply by 3.
1/5 of 20 is 20 ÷ 5 = 4.
We need 3/5 of 20, so we multiply 4 by 3.
3/5 of 20 = 4 × 3 = 12.
you can put this in your calculator:
3/5<span> × 20 = </span>3/5<span> × </span>20/1<span> = </span>60/5<span> = 12</span>
Step-by-step explanation:
All other things being equal, spinner A is fine. It is a fair spinner.
Spinner B is not fair. Players 1 and 3 have only 1 number each. Player 2 on the other hand, has 2 numbers that work for him. If player 2 puts in two dollars and players 1 and 3 one dollar each, that should even up the odds. Now you want it just to be fair. So I think player 2 has to put up 2 dollars and players 1 and 3 each put up one. The pot is 4 dollars each time it is played.
Spinner 3 is not fair either. Player one has 2 chances. Player 2 has 3 chances and player 3 has but one chance. There are 6 chances in all. Player 1 should put up 2 dollars to play player 1 should put up 3 dollars and player 1 should put up 1 dollar.

Step-by-step explanation:
Given data for the cone
height h= 4 in
radius r= 1 in
hence diameter d= 2 in
thickness of cone= 0.1 in
The volume of the cone including the shell can be expressed as

The volume of the ice cream can be expressed as
N/B: the diameter of the ice cream is
2-(0.1*2)= 2-0.2= 1.8 in
hence the radius is 0.9 in

The difference in volume is 
B. the slope is positive because its in a straight line