The purpose of Senator Smith's Speech was to point out the Threat of McCarthyism to the citizens of the United States
Answer: C. rid Italy of all forms of democracy
Explanation: Upon becoming Prime Minister of Italy, Mussolini had to form a coalition government, because the Fascists did not have control over the Italian parliament. Mussolini’s coalition government initially pursued economically liberal policies under the direction of liberal finance minister Alberto De Stefani, a member of the Center Party, including balancing the budget through deep cuts to the civil service. Initially, little drastic change in government policy occurred and repressive police actions were limited.
Enclosures pushed peasants out of the countryside and for those who stayed ..poverty..Many remained as tenant farmers,small landowners or wage earners. Fifty percent of England’s farmland was already enclosed by 1750.
Keynesian or pump priming philosophy, In other words, money should be held in the working class of the people. Their spending would set the pace for the economy because it would then determine how businesses and companies would set new demands and needs for the new hired workers. This was controversial and interesting because it was exactly the opposite of the previous Republican model of "Trickle Down economics"
The study, by David Yanagizawa-Drott from the Harvard Kennedy School, analyzes how exposure to propaganda and inflammatory messages calling fo