Coastal habitats provide ecosystem services essential to people and the environment. ... Services provided by coastal wetlands include: Flood Protection: Coastal wetlands protect upland areas, including valuable residential and commercial property, from flooding due to sea level rise and storms. pollution kills much of the life that lives there and radically decreases biodiversity
The sense organs that are located on the head and in the mouth of a fetal pig are the Ears, mouth, eyes, nose, and tongue. The pig, just like humans, experiences sound, sight, taste, smell, heat, cold, pain and also balance. The way it responds to these assists humans in the recognition of health and diseases. For instance pain and the posture will often indicate a specific disease such as a fracture of the vertebrae in the spine.
The law states that matter is conserved. It is not randomly llost or gained, but transformed.
This holds true because when a glass of water is left out over night, the water evaporates. The water doesn't magically disappear. It is just transformed into water vapor.
end products of aerobic glucose breakdown are carbon dioxide and water;
the end product of anaerobic glucose breakdown is lactic acid</span>