Jpg is what I use for my audio and images
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The two components which is used to provide input to the computer is Keyboard and mouse. These two are most used input devices. Keyboard provides all the alphabet and numbering inputs and apart from these kinds of data, it also has certain function key, keys to edit text. Mouse has 3 main functions.
Every operation is done through the click of the mouse. Either we may double click to open up a file, right click and use scroll to scroll the pages. There are other inputs like joy stick which is used for game and used majorly in play stations.
Municipal Solid Waste which is commonly known as garbage or trash consists of everyday items we use and then dispose. These products include furniture, clothing, grass clippings, food scraps, and more. According to the Municipal Solid Waste report, paper waste falls at number one as being the most common source of waste. It is closely followed by food waste. Plastics and yard trimmings fall short at third place. Other sources include rubber, leather, and textiles.