The right option is; c) the market is dominated by two or more sellers
A pure competitive market is a market in which there are a large number of sellers and buyers that are dealing in similar products. This type of market has so many competitors that sells the same product or service with the same price and quality. The price of products in a pure competitive market is determined by what consumers are ready to pay.
La FOTOSINTESIS es el proceso mediante el cual los organismos con clorofila, como las plantas verdes, las algas y algunas bacterias, capturan energía en forma de luz y la transforman en energía química.
Una ecuación generalizada y equilibrada de la fotosíntesis sería:
El elemento H2O de la fórmula representa un compuesto oxidable, es decir, un compuesto del cual se pueden extraer electrones; CO2 es el dióxido de carbono; CHO una generalización de los hidratos de carbono que incorpora el organismo vivo.
La RESPIRACIÓN CELULAR: se lleva a cabo en una estructuras de las estructuras de la célula llamas mitocondrias.
La ecuación general de la respiración es la siguiente:
Durante este proceso se desdoble la molécula de glucosa y se separan los átomos de hidrógeno [protones y electrones] de los átomos de carbono para combinarse con los átomos de oxígeno. La energía liberada durante este proceso se utiliza para convertise el ADP (adenosindifosfato) en ATP (adenosintrifosfato).
What aspect of human interaction can we attribute to this success?
- reciprocity
... a spiritual aspect, as exemplified in "Phaedo" where Plato has Socrates argue that the self - the soul - is immaterial and immortal and survives our bodily death. He argues this on the basis that the soul can perceive non-material ideals that do not exist in this world.
Plato (428 BC-347 BC) was a Greek philosopher, considered one of the leading thinkers of his day. A disciple of Socrates, he sought to convey a deep faith in reason and truth by adopting Socrates' motto "the wise is the virtuous." He wrote several philosophical dialogues, including "The Republic", a work divided into ten volumes.
He was a teacher of Aristoteles, but unlike his student, Plato believed that human nature has a spiritual aspect, as exemplified in "Phaedo", where Plato has Socrates, argues that the self - the soul - is immaterial and immortal and survives. to our bodily death. He argues this based on the fact that the soul can perceive nonmaterial ideals that do not exist in this world.
government question: North Korea