It may affect the result of the study, having a large samples will enable the researcher have enough variations that may occur among the sample, reduction in the number of children will reduce the amount of variation the is needed in the experiment. A large sample with adequate variations help to minimize error that could occur considering small samples but when a sample is small a it doesn't consider all possible effect the result may be bias.
Reduced sample size may not be enough to represent an experimental units hence there maybe need to revisit the experiment again when adequate samples size is available. It was more time
Myths, Fables, Legends, and Fairy Tales are all considered types of stories. Though they are all types of stories, they have some key differences. A myth is a traditional story that is used to explain a belief or perspective of the world. They are often used to provide a reason for the way the world is, such as the myths about the Greek gods. Each was a god of a particular part of nature or idea. They were said to be the reason that part of nature existed. A legend is a story that has been passed down through generations via oral storytelling. They are usually stories about real people, places, and events of the past. The facts within these stories are known to be somewhat exaggerated. A fable’s overall purpose is to teach a lesson or a moral using characters that cannot talk in real life (such as animals, plants, and forces of nature). Fairy tales are stories for children that often include a magical or supernatural element, such as elves, witches, or special animals. These stories most often begin with the phrase Once upon a time.
The flat land. It gave the romans the ability to build much.