Organelles Are surrounded by one or two layers of unit membrane.
This includes: nucleus, mitochondria, lysosomes, peroxiosomes, endoplasmic reticulum (smooth and rough), Golgi complex, Phagosome
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How was the government able to make children go to residential school?
help me out bro!!! !! ! !
Gel electrophoresis is one simple and cheap laboratory technique used in profiling. In this case, it can be used to identify Great White Sharks using their proteins or DNA. This way, even if the fish is completely mutilated into the meat, the species can still be identified helping policies to be enforced.
DNA or proteins of a sample of suspected meat is processed and passed through gel electrophoresis. The bands that form are then compared with a standard to check if the bands match. A match indicates that the meat is from a Great White Shark.