Hello there, When confronting a friend about drugs, you must assert him not in an aggressive way. Being aggressive makes both opponents have a bad relationship. Next, don't be too soft and tell him to do whatever he wants. Be firm, but also keep suspicions to yourself until there is 100% evidence. Confirm that if he has, and tell him that he should stop. "Attack" him with terrifying facts on drugs and stories from your experience(You can lie, just as long as it is not that fantasized).
Signs that someone is abusing drugs include behavioral changes like loss
of interest in activities, withdrawal from family, mood swings, and
decreased performance at work or school. Other signs are physical, such
as changes in sleeping and eating habits, poor hygiene, shaking, slurred
speech, or poor coordination. Commonly abused drugs also cause more
specific symptoms. Recognizing the signs of drug abuse is important for
getting help and avoiding addiction and other negative consequences. Confront him or she calmly. You can provoke them very easily. But don't be too soft, be firm. Of course, don't jump to conclusions first and confront them until you have 100% evidence. Try to convince them to enter treament.