Having a diabetes pill would impact the world so much. So many people suffer from diabetes, both type 1 and type 2. As a person that has diabetes I have gone into 2 diabetic comas and almost died both times. Yeah there is insulin that diabetics take but when diabetics take to much they go low, but when diabetics don't take enough they go high. So, having a diabetic pill would save so many lives . Having a diabetic pill will also save so many friends and family from the pain of a losing a loved one to diabetes.
Less people will have to inhale the second smoke from others due to smoking in public. Many people could have less health problems due to lack of second hand smoke inhalation
Drugs that increase brain and body activities are called stimulants.
Hope I helped! <3
The abiltiy to do things with you body that most people cant, such as bending your back without breaking it