The DNA is a double helix or made up of two strands. The strands are separated during replication, each serving as a template to produce a complementary strand of each of the separated single strands. Therefore after replication, two double stranded DNA molecules will be present.
The circulatory system, also known as the cardiovascular system, is a simple loop which starts, and ends, with your heart. It is a closed system, meaning blood does not enter or leave the system during its journey from your heart to your body and back again.
Strengthen the arms.
If a person repeatedly lift 25 pounds of weight over the head for 1 minute and then rest for 1 minute, the outcome of this exercise is to strengthen the muscles of the arms. The lifting of weight with the help of arms, the muscles of the arms will get stronger and increase occurs in the width of the arms. This exercise done by bodybuilders to get their arms stronger as well as athlete for stronger arms and hand muscles so the outcome of lifting the weight will leads to the increase in the strength of the arms.