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Principalele vase care intră în atriul drept sunt vena cavă superioară și vena cavă inferioară. Acestea sunt principalele vase care returnează sângele din circulația sistemică înapoi în inimă.
I think it would be advantageous to observe mold colonies on an agar plate because one is able to observe colony structures, pigmentation, among others. Colony forming units are the individual colonies of bacteria,yeasts or mold. A colony of bacteria or yeast refers to a mass of individual cells of same organism, growing together.
Increased GH secretion
In the growth hormone (GH)-secreting tumor, large amount of growth hormones are secreted. GH triggers liver and growth factors -1 is released in ample amount and causes acromegaly. Acromegaly causes hands and feet grow longer than the normal size. The exact cause of this problem is not known. However, in most of the cases it is caused by pituitary adenoma
Scientists can drill deep into the ice to collect ice cores.
Ice cores refers to cylinders of ice drilled from ice sheets and glaciers in Greenland, Antarctica as well as high mountain.
Ice cores are recovered from using drills which help to collect ice cores from ice.
This allow scientist to drill deep into the ice to collect ice cores to know past climates.
The layers in ice cores indicates to years and seasons.
The youngest ice is normally at the top , followed by the younger one and the the older ice is ways at the bottom.