The reason people believed king tut relied on advisors is because he was younger and he was trying to persuade people to believe in the god that he believed in.
the answer will probably be the fact that people die
people dieing will cause there to be less support so
It helps increase our tax money.The more products branched out, the more tax money the USA gets.. This, as a result, boosts our economy.
e. all of the above
Domestic sourcing entails purchasing supplies or goods from within the borders of one's country.
Offshore sourcing on the other hand involves purchasing raw materials or goods from abroad or outside the borders of one's country.
Lead time is the period of time between when an order is made and when the goods are delivered.
*When purchasing raw materials or goods from outside the country, more time may be needed to get the necessary documentation for importation.
*Also, domestic customs strictly monitor movement of goods across borders and as such may cause delays in importation.
*Transportation delays within the country being purchased from may also increase the lead time.
*Countries are also security conscious and may take some time to properly check what they allow across the border into the country.
All these factors point to reasons why offshore sourcing may take longer than purchasing within one's own country.