1. There’s a car crash
2. There are two men standing on the side of the road sad
3. There is a woman in the phone booth
4. There is a dog on the grass
5. The accident happened at a stop sign
The dog had most likely ran across the street and the vehicle on the right was most likely speeding, causing the man to swerve to not hit the dog but instead another vehicle and the woman is most likely call for help
Fern thinks that Wilbur is not well is concerned for Wilbur.
Avery thinks Wilbur is dead. He thinks Wilbur is just being lazy.
The question refers to the story "Charlotte's Web" by E.B.White. It is about a piglet named Wilbur who is saved from being slaughtered by a the girl named Fern
He climbed out of the trench and made his way carefully back to the clumped bushes where the kitchen was.
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