This actually depends on which level of education you are and what they are looking for. Most people though merely considers it a part of the Digestive System as the bile it stores is used during digestion.
I have seen however several people put it down as part of the bilary system or subsystem which responsible for the creation and distribution of bile.
<span>Earthworms can eat only those things like organic matter plants, salad and decaying animals. </span>
Schizotypal personality disorder
Schizotypal personality disorder is a mental disorder that is characterized by the individual exhibiting eccentric behaviours. Individuals with this disorder experience a lot of problems in relationship and disturbances in appearances.
The main cause of this schizotypal personality disorder is still unknown to doctors but some factors may be responsible for this disorder, they include:
-Environmental , physiological factor and gene factor.
The following traits are exhibited by a person that is diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder:
1) Strange beliefs and fantasies.
2) Absence of close friends.
3) Strange way of speaking.
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