what was a fundamental principle of freedom of the press? A.The press had both a right and responsibility to inform tye public o
f the truth. B. The press has a responsibility to expose the actions of the government only with the goverments approval. C. the press has the right to choose when it is appropriet to inform the public of the truth. D. The government has the right and responsibility to deternmint what was the citizens should know.
A. Looking at the different Supreme Court cases that have involved the press the one thing that they all have in common is the press's role to keep the public informed of the truth. The very first cases, Zenger Trial, was over possible seditious libel, false slander meant to hurt the governor. Zenger was acquitted because his statements were found to be true. The judge said something along the lines of "if you don't wish him to print those things, then don't do them."