ay di ko alam yan hahahaha
After the viruses would be detected we have to clean them.
means we have to erase the virus .
The output of the following code is "Hello, we are open! Sincerely, the grocery store ".
In the given code firstly we declare the variable that is numApples and numOranges. In this variable we assign value and the datatype of the variable is var. The var datatype can hold any type of data. Then we use the conditional statement. In the conditional statement, we use the OR logical operator. In the if block we check the condition that is if numApples variable value is less then 20 OR numOranges variable value is equal to numApples then it will print "Hello, we are open!". In the else block it will print "Sorry, we are closed!". In the last, we print "Sincerely, the grocery store".So in this question, if block is executed and the additional message is printed.
the first action that should be taken is to back up the all important document that and by finishing doing that format the entire system...and i advise you should be choosing the best antivirus to protecting your computer
most of the time a school shooting will be done by a kis that has been bullied and picked on a lot (aka the quiet kid ) if we could stop bullying we could decreese the number of school shootins by a lot