On your online bank you can add bills from your computer.
Sure!!! and thank you very much
Description: Write a MASM 32bit program with a loop and indexed addressing that calculates the sum of all thegaps between successive array elements. The array elements are doublewords, sequenced in nondecreasing order.
;Include Irvine32.inc file used with link library for 32 bit applications
.model flat,stdcall
.stack 4096
ExitProcess proto,dwExitCode:dword
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
myArray DWORD 0,2,5,9,10
arrSize = ($-myArray)/TYPE myArray
gapArr DWORD arrSize-1 DUP(?)
sum DWORD ?
main PROC
;Call the procedure
call Clrscr
;Initialize ESI pointer
mov esi, 0
mov ecx, arrSize
dec ecx
mov eax, myArray[esi+4]
sub eax, myArray[esi]
mov gapArr[esi], eax
inc esi
loop L1
;Calculate the sum of gaps between array elements
mov sum, 0
mov esi, 0
mov ecx, arrSize
dec ecx
; move gapArr[esi] to a temporary register and then add that register value to sum
mov edx, gapArr[esi]
add sum, edx
inc esi
loop L2
INVOKE ExitProcess,0
main ENDP
END main
Configure the Internet connection.
Configure the wireless router.
Enable NAT.
Configure DHCP
Secure the SOHO network.