"Agitated and pacing. Exhibiting grandiosity. Mood labile."
The extremely frustrated user paces that system and remarks that he can purchase and trade this spot. His behavior vacillate through laughing sessions to rage outbursts. So the Pacing and Agitated. Displaying grandiosity. Behavior labile becomes the best reliable documentation of the actions of this corporation
1 - b - Excel is a computer program, so it'd be Software
2 - a - Process of elimination, haven't heard of the term 'peopleware' before.
3 - d - A joystick accepts input from a user to interact with a computer. ex. Flight Simulators
4 - c - A monitor will display (or output) an image based on what is received from the computer.
The delimiter use is "::".
The Java inbuilt String.split( ) function is use to split a String into an array of String.
The split( ) takes delimiter as arguments/parameter which determines at which point the string is to be broken down into different part/token.
From the above code snippet;
Each line in the file a.txt that is not null is splitted using the statement below:
String[ ] v = line.split("::");
The line is splitted using "::" as delimiter and the resulting array is then assigned to the variable 'v'.
For instance, a line in the file could take the form:
When it is splitted,
String lname = John;
because lname make reference to index 0 of the array.
String fname = Smith;
because fname make reference to index 1 of the array.
String dept = Music;
and dept make reference to index 2 of the array.
So in developing a presentation outline, the first thing that we are going to do is to introduce what it is all about. This means that the main points come first. After the main points, follow the sub points. The sub points serve as the explanation of the main points. After the sub points are the illustrations and examples. These are already the specifics which support the sub points and the main points. Therefore, the answer is A.