When Hyperbaton is used, words and phrases exceed their conventional placements and meanings and result in a more complex and intriguing sentence structure (used to add more depth and interest to the sentence structure)
When Chronology is used, a manipulation in the time and events can be seen, and allows for the disorder of time. Relevance to all points of the past and future are made possible and the understanding of cause and effect is better made.
they are all represented with the same old english language and same setting and time
King was a minister criticized by clergymen, so he tried to justify his cause by paraphrasing the words of Thomas Aquinas, a notable interpreter of God's order on earth. He uses this allusion because he wants to underline the crucial difference between just and unjust law, that has been confirmed by one of the highest intellectual authorities in the fields of philosophy and religion. King provides a religious justification for the concept of nonviolent resistance.
I am sorry...But this is plagarism. I wont report tho
Given that Carla has already knowledge of the example from the Ecology textbook, then her reading will increase. It is called a prereading, it is a technique in which the reader will skim the text before reading it thoroughly.
Carla already has an idea on what she will be ready since she has come across the example before reading the text carefully.