The P-value indicates that the probability of a linear correlation coefficient that is at least as extreme is__3.5%___ which is___significant_(at α=0.05)_ so there _is_ sufficient evidence to conclude that there is a linear correlation between weight and highway fuel consumption in automobiles.
Step-by-step explanation:
Correlation coefficient shows the relation between the <em>weights</em><em></em> and <em>highway fuel consumption amounts</em> of seven types of automobile.
P-value states <em>the significance</em> of this relationship. If the p-value is lower than a <em>significance level</em> (for example 0.05) then the relation is said to be significant.

Step-by-step explanation:
The given function is

To find F(2), we substitute t=2 into the function.
This means that wherever we see t, we put 2

We multiply the exponent in the denominator to get:

We evaluate to get:

We now cancel the common factors to get:

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Answer:1st one 2nd one and 8th
Step-by-step explanation:
The standard form of this equation is

The slope of two parallel lines i the same, so the slope of the line we're looking for is also

Since the line passes through

, the equation is: