54. Weeds makes you high and lost your sense to think right. The longer you use weed the more damage it costs in your brain. If you’re body and your brain can no longer carry the effect of the weeds in your body, the possibility would be:
=> You lose your sight
=> You will get crazy in a sense that you brain is already damaged
=> Your body will break down
=> You will die
That’s how weeds affects your life.
FalseWith as low as 0.02 percent blood alcohol reading, moderate
effects can be felt and a weakened ability to focus on more than one thing a
time is apparent. For men weighing 160-240
pounds and women 200-240 pounds, impairment begins with 0.02 percent blood alcohol.
Answer: An advocate speaks out in favor of something they believe in. Personal behavior is the only factor that determines if a person becomes ill. Mindy is speaking at a community event to help people understand the importance of healthy eating. ... Mindy is acting as a health advocate.
Milk, yogurt, most dairy can be rich source of calcium
During an asthma attack the muscle wall contracts and the lining of the airways becomes swollen and inflamed. These changes cause a narrowing of the airways which is further aggravated by an increase in secretions from the mucus membrane, which may actually block the smaller airways hope this helps